Contents > B: List of Design Metrics > B.5 Usecase Metrics

B.5 Usecase Metrics

Metric: NumAssCategory: not specified
The number of associations the use case participates in.

Counts incoming, outgoing, and bidirectional associations.

Metric: ExtPtsCategory: not specified
The number of extension points of the use case.

Metric: IncludingCategory: Coupling (import)
The number of use cases which this one includes.

Metric: IncludedCategory: Coupling (export)
The number of use cases which include this one.

Metric: ExtendedCategory: not specified
The number of use cases which extend this one.

Metric: ExtendingCategory: not specified
The number of use cases which this one extends.

Metric: DiagsCategory: Diagram
The number of times the use case appears on a diagram.