Column "Attributes" provides the name of the attributes, column "Type"
indicates if the attribute is a data or cross-reference attribute,
column "Mult." indicates the multiplicity of the attribute ("one" for
single-valued, "many" for multi-valued attributes).
In Table 7, column "Model Element" lists all elements of the
UML1.4 metamodel. The remaining columns provide the details about all
further attributes the metamodel elements define in addition to the
inherited attributes.
Model Element | Attribute | Type | Multi. | Description |
class |
visibility | data | one |
Visibility of the class (public, private, protected, package).
abstract | data | one |
Boolean indicating if class is abstract.
leaf | data | one |
Boolean indicating if a class must not have subclasses.
interface | --- | --- | --- |
datatype | --- | --- | --- |
attribute |
visibility | data | one |
Visibility of the attribute (public, private, protected, package).
attributetype | ref | one |
Reference to the attribute type (class, data type etc).
changeability | data | one |
Changeability of the attribute (changeable or none, frozen, addOnly).
operation |
visibility | data | one |
Visibility of the operation (public, private, protected, package).
abstract | data | one |
Boolean indicating if operation is abstract.
isquery | data | one |
Boolean indicating if operation is a query that does not change the classifier's state.
parameter |
kind | data | one |
The kind of parameter (in, out, inout, return).
parametertype | ref | one |
Reference to the parameter type (class, data type etc).
method | --- | --- | --- |
model | --- | --- | --- |
package | --- | --- | --- |
subsystem | --- | --- | --- |
association | --- | --- | --- |
associationclass | --- | --- | --- |
associationend |
navigable | data | one |
Boolean indicating if the association end is navigable.
aggregation | data | one |
Indicates if the association end is an aggregation or composite.
associationendtype | ref | one |
A link to the element attached to the association end.
generalization |
genchild | ref | one |
Link to the child in the generalization.
genparent | ref | one |
Link to the parent in the generalization.
abstraction |
abssupplier | ref | one |
Link to the interface.
absclient | ref | one |
Link to the element implementing the interface
dependency |
depsupplier | ref | one |
Link to the supplier of the dependency.
depclient | ref | one |
Link to the client of the dependency.
usage |
depsupplier | ref | one |
Link to the supplier of the usage.
depclient | ref | one |
Link to the client of the usage.
object |
objtype | ref | one |
Link to the element of which this object is an instance.
stimulus |
stimsender | ref | one |
Sender of the stimulus.
stimreceiver | ref | one |
Receiver of the stimulus.
stimaction | ref | one |
The action that the stimulus dispatches.
link | --- | --- | --- |
linkend |
linkendtype | ref | one |
The element that is attached to the link end.
collaboration | --- | --- | --- |
classifierrole |
classifierbase | ref | one |
The classifier which the classifier role is a view of.
interaction | --- | --- | --- |
message |
messagesender | ref | one |
The sender of the message.
messagereceiver | ref | one |
The receiver of the message.
messageaction | ref | one |
The action that the message dispatches.
statemachine | --- | --- | --- |
state |
entryaction | ref | many |
The entry actions of the state.
exitaction | ref | many |
The exit actions of the state.
doactivity | ref | many |
The do actions of the state.
internaltrans | ref | many |
The internal transitions of the state.
kind | data | one |
The kind of state (simple, composite, submachine, stub, synch, final; initial, deepHistory, shallowHistory, join, fork, choice or branch, junction; action, objectflow, call, subactivity).
isconcurrent | data | one |
Indicates if a composite state is concurrent.
transition |
transsource | ref | one |
The source state of the transition.
transtarget | ref | one |
The target state of the transition.
trigger | ref | one |
The event that triggers the transition.
event |
kind | data | one |
The kind of event (signal, call, change, time).
linkedeventelement | ref | one |
The element (signal, operation, boolean expression, or deadline) that raised the event.
action |
kind | data | one |
The kind of action (send, return, create, destroy, call, terminate, uninterpreted).
linkedactionelement | ref | one |
Depending on the kind of action, the operation or signal that is invoked when the action is executed, or the classifier of which an instance is created.
guard | --- | --- | --- |
partition |
contents | ref | many |
The elements contained in the swimlane.
activitygraph | --- | --- | --- |
signal | --- | --- | --- |
usecase | --- | --- | --- |
actor | --- | --- | --- |
usecaseextend |
usecaseextbase | ref | one |
The use case that is extended.
usecaseextension | ref | one |
The use case that is the extension.
usecaseextensionpoint | ref | one |
The extension point in the extended use case.
usecaseinclude |
usecaseincbase | ref | one |
The including use case.
usecaseaddition | ref | one |
The included use case.
extensionpoint | --- | --- | --- |
component |
deploymentlocation | ref | one |
The node on which the component is deployed.
componentinstance |
componenttype | ref | one |
The component that is instantiated.
node | --- | --- | --- |
nodeinstance |
nodetype | ref | one |
The node that is instantiated.
stereotype |
extendedelements | ref | many |
The set of elements that the stereotype extends.
taggedvalue |
tag | data | one |
The tag of the tagged value (up to UML 1.3)
definition | ref | one |
Definition of the tagged value (since UML 1.4)
value | data | one |
The value of the tagged value.
tagdefinition |
tagtype | data | one |
The tag name of a tagged value's tag.
diagram |
type | data | one |
The type of diagram (class diagram, sequence diagram, etc).
diagramelement |
element | ref | one |
The element that is shown on the diagram.