Table 9 lists all elements of the UML2.x metamodel, and the
attributes they define in addition to those inherited from the parent.
Model Element | Attribute | Type | Multi. | Description |
class |
visibility | data | one |
Visibility of the element (public, protected, package, private).
abstract | data | one |
Boolean indicating if the element is abstract.
leaf | data | one |
Boolean indicating if the element can have specializations.
ownedattributes | ref | many |
The attributes of the element.
ownedoperations | ref | many |
The operations of the element.
nestedclassifiers | ref | many |
The nested classifiers of the element.
generalizations | ref | many |
The generalizations owned by the element.
interfacerealizations | ref | many |
The interface realizations owned by the element.
connectors | ref | many |
The connectors owned by the element.
interface |
ownedattributes | ref | many |
The attributes of the interface.
ownedoperations | ref | many |
The operations of the interface.
nestedclassifiers | ref | many |
The nested classifiers of the interface.
generalizations | ref | many |
The generalizations owned by the interface.
datatype |
ownedattributes | ref | many |
The attributes of the element.
ownedoperations | ref | many |
The operations of the element.
generalizations | ref | many |
The generalizations owned by the element.
enumeration (extends datatype) |
ownedliterals | ref | many |
The literals of the enumeration.
enumerationliteral | --- | --- | --- |
primitivetype (extends datatype) | --- | --- | --- |
connector |
ends | ref | many |
The connector ends of the connector.
connectorend |
role | ref | one |
The element that is attached at this connector end.
property |
visibility | data | one |
Visibility of the feature (public, private, protected, package).
propertytype | ref | one |
Reference to the feature type (class, data type etc).
isreadonly | data | one |
Changeability of the feature. Values: true, false (default if not specified).
association | ref | one |
Reference to association if this is an association end.
aggregation | data | one |
The aggregation kind of the property: shared, composite, or none (default).
qualifiers | ref | many |
The qualifier attributes of the property.
port (extends property) | --- | --- | --- |
operation |
visibility | data | one |
Visibility of the operation (public, private, protected, package).
abstract | data | one |
Boolean indicating if operation is abstract.
isquery | data | one |
Boolean indicating if operation is a query that does not change the classifier's state.
ownedparameters | ref | many |
The parameters of the operation.
parameter |
kind | data | one |
The direction of the parameter: in (default), out, inout, return.
parametertype | ref | one |
Reference to the parameter type (class, data type etc).
method | --- | --- | --- |
package |
ownedmembers | ref | many |
The owned member elements.
model (extends package) | --- | --- | --- |
association |
memberends | ref | many |
The member ends of the association.
ownedends | ref | many |
The owned ends of the association (not navigable association ends).
generalizations | ref | many |
The generalizations owned by the association.
associationclass (extends association) | --- | --- | --- |
generalization |
general | ref | one |
Link to the parent in the generalization.
interfacerealization |
contract | ref | one |
Link to the realized interface.
dependency |
supplier | ref | many |
Links to the supplier elements of the relationship.
client | ref | many |
Links to the client elements of the relationship.
abstraction (extends dependency) | --- | --- | --- |
realization (extends abstraction) | --- | --- | --- |
substitution (extends realization) | --- | --- | --- |
usage (extends dependency) | --- | --- | --- |
collaboration (extends class) |
ownedbehaviors | ref | many |
Behavior specifications owned by the collaboration.
interaction (extends class) |
lifelines | ref | many |
The lifelines involved in the interaction.
messages | ref | many |
The messages sent within the interaction.
fragments | ref | many |
The message occurrence specifications and combined fragments of the interaction.
instancespecification |
classifier | ref | many |
Links to the classifiers that this entity is an instance of.
deployments | ref | many |
The deployments where this instance specification is the target.
lifeline |
represents | ref | one |
The interaction participant that this lifeline represents.
message |
receiveevent | ref | one |
Occurrence specification for the message reception.
sendevent | ref | one |
Occurrence specification for the message sending.
sort | data | one |
The sort of communication (synchCall, asynchCall, asynchSignal, etc.).
occurrencespec |
covered | ref | one |
The lifeline on which this occurrence specification appears.
kind | data | one |
The type of this occurrence specification (execution, message, destruction) (since UML2.4).
event | ref | one |
The occurring event (up to UML2.3).
combinedfragment |
operator | data | one |
The interaction operator (alt, loop, break, opt, par, ref, etc.)
covered | ref | many |
The lifelines covered by this combined fragment.
operands | ref | many |
The interaction operands of this combined fragment.
interactionoperand |
fragments | ref | many |
The message occurrence specifications and combined fragments of the interaction operand.
actor (extends class) | --- | --- | --- |
usecase (extends class) |
includes | ref | many |
The include relationships owned by the use case.
extends | ref | many |
The extend relationships owned by the use case.
extensionpoints | ref | many |
The extension points owned by the use case.
extensionpoint | --- | --- | --- |
usecaseextend |
extendedcase | ref | one |
The use case that is extended.
usecaseextensionpoint | ref | one |
The extension point in the extended use case.
usecaseinclude |
usecaseaddition | ref | one |
The included use case.
statemachine |
regions | ref | many |
The top-level regions owned by the state machine.
isprotocol | data | one |
Boolean indicating if this is a protocol state machine
connectionpoints | ref | many |
The connection points of the state machine.
region |
subvertices | ref | many |
The states contained in the region.
transitions | ref | many |
The transitions contained in the region.
state |
kind | data | one |
The kind of state: '' (empty), final, initial, deepHistory, shallowHistory, join, fork, choice, junction, entryPoint, exitPoint, terminate.
regions | ref | many |
The regions of the composite or concurrent state.
entry | ref | many |
The entry activities of the state.
exit | ref | many |
The exit activities of the state.
doactivity | ref | many |
The do-activities of the state.
connectionpoints | ref | many |
The connection points of the state.
transition |
kind | data | one |
The kind of transition: external, internal, or local.
isprotocol | data | one |
Boolean indicating if this is a protocol transition.
transsource | ref | one |
The source state of the transition.
transtarget | ref | one |
The target state of the transition.
triggers | ref | many |
The triggers that may fire the transition.
guard | ref | one |
The guard of the transition.
effect | ref | one |
The activity to be performed when the transition fires.
constraint | --- | --- | --- |
trigger |
event | ref | one |
The event causing the trigger.
event |
kind | data | one |
The kind of event (signal, call, change, time, anyreceive).
linkedeventelement | ref | one |
The element (signal, operation, boolean expression, or deadline) that raised the event, if any.
activity |
nodes | ref | many |
The action, control, and object nodes of the activity.
edges | ref | many |
The control and object flows of the activity.
groups | ref | many |
The groups of the activity.
activitygroup |
edges | ref | many |
The contained edges of the group.
nodes | ref | many |
The contained nodes of the group.
groups | ref | many |
The subgroups of the group.
handlers | ref | many |
The exception handlers of the structured node group.
pins | ref | many |
Pins owned by the activity group.
kind | data | one |
The kind of group: partition, interruptible, expansion, structured, conditional, loop, sequence.
action |
kind | data | one |
The kind of action: send, return, create, etc (there are many).
inputs | ref | many |
The input pins of the action.
outputs | ref | many |
The output pins of the action.
handlers | ref | many |
The exception handlers owned by the action.
controlnode |
kind | data | one |
The kind of control node: initial, activityfinal, flowfinal, fork, join, merge, or decision.
objectnode |
kind | data | one |
The kind of object node: centralbuffer, datastore, activityparameter, or expansion.
pin |
kind | data | one |
The kind of pin (input, output, value, actioninput).
type | ref | one |
The type of the pin.
controlflow |
source | ref | one |
Source of the control flow.
target | ref | one |
Target of the control flow.
guard | ref | one |
Guard of the control flow.
objectflow |
source | ref | one |
Source of the object flow.
target | ref | one |
Target of the object flow.
guard | ref | one |
Guard of the control flow.
signal | --- | --- | --- |
exceptionhandler |
handlerbody | ref | one |
The node that handles the exception.
exceptioninput | ref | one |
The input node of the handler body that received the exception token.
reception |
signal | ref | one |
Signal handled by this reception.
expression | --- | --- | --- |
opaqueexpression | --- | --- | --- |
instancevalue | --- | --- | --- |
literalboolean | --- | --- | --- |
literalinteger | --- | --- | --- |
literalreal | --- | --- | --- |
literalstring | --- | --- | --- |
literalunlimitednatural | --- | --- | --- |
literalnull | --- | --- | --- |
component (extends class) |
realizations | ref | many |
The realizations owned by the component.
members | ref | many |
Other members owned by the component.
node (extends class) |
nestednodes | ref | many |
The subnodes located on the node.
deployments | ref | many |
The deployment links owned by the node (=deployment location).
kind | data | one |
The type of node (regular, executionenvironment, device)
artifact (extends class) |
nestedartifacts | ref | many |
The artifacts that are defined (nested) within the artifact.
manifestations | ref | many |
The manifestation links to the model elements that are manifested in the artifact.
deploymentspec (extends artifact) | --- | --- | --- |
deployment (extends dependency) |
configurations | ref | many |
The deployment specifications that parameterize the deployment.
manifestation (extends abstraction) | --- | --- | --- |
stereotype | --- | --- | --- |
comment |
body | data | one |
The comment text.
diagram |
type | data | one |
The type of diagram (class diagram, sequence diagram, etc).
diagramelement |
element | ref | one |
The element that is shown on the diagram.